Faculty of Humanities

Collegium Decanale

The regulations regarding the Faculty of Humanities define the Collegium's composition and tasks (article 13 & 14):

It coordinates the Faculty committees, decides upon the Faculty's funds, approves teaching assignment applications, authorizes applications per pro of the Faculty assembly (exams, tests, supervision of BA-, MA-, and PhD theses, acceptance or declination of MA-, and PhD these per pro of the Faculty assembly), decides upon technical issues regarding ECTS crediting, and admission to study programs and exams, approves Minor studies at other universities, and executes other tasks assigned by the Faculty assembly.

Collegium Decanale
Collegium Decanale
Peter J. Schneemann Dean
Claus Beisbart Vice Dean & Senator
Bénédicte Vauthier Faculty plannerin and Q-officer
Christa Schneider
Delegate of the lecturers
Hanne Griessmann Delegate of the assistants
Katharina Leisi Müller Delegate of the students
Korbinian Seitz
Dean's office manager, advisory capacity
Jenny Preiss Dean's office deputy manager

The collegium gathers during the semester each Wednesday at 2 p.m. c.t. at the Dean's office meeting room B245; there are three to four holiday season meetings. The Collegium works on recurring and special affairs.

Recurring affairs are:

  • Approval of last meeting's minutes
  • The Dean's announcements
  • Approval of the application minutes (students assessments, admission to PhD studies, issuing exam authorizations, prolonging MA- and PhD theses deadlines)
  • The Faculty planners and Q-officer's announcements and applications (allocating funds and personal points)
  • Recurring Faculty assembly schedule and agenda

Specials affairs are or were e.g.:

  • Revision of Faculty legal documents
  • Assignment of subsidies and awards
  • Affairs per pro of the Faculty assembly
  • Organising the Faculty retraites and recreational trips