Faculty of Humanities

Financial support

Conference trips


The faculty supports one conference trip per year. Please see the University regulations regarding business trips at the bottom of this website.

Conference trip purpose

The faculty supports participation at conferences, workshops, summer schools etc. Supported participants must contribute to the conference (talk, comment, panel discussion, poster presentation, moderate a discussion). If there is more than one conferenceson one trip, the faculty supports the whole trip up to the maximum amount.


Faculty members, lecturers, assistants, PhD students hired via "Grundmittel", and other staff. People hired by competitive third party funds are only supported, if there are no third party funds for travelling. People hired by free third party funds are not supported.


April 30th, please use the form at the bottom of this website. ACHTUNG: The registration is only to help us budgeting the Faculty finances. You have the right to get Faculty support for one conference trip per year in any case, also if you might have missed the deadline.


Please hand in your collection of travel expenses within two months after the trip at the dean's office. Any questions can be addressed to our financial office. All expenses must be verified with original documents/receipts. Please add the conference program. The dean's office reimburses the following maximum amounts:

  • Europe CHF 600.-
  • Outside Europe CHF 1'200.-

If the reimbursement does not exceed CHF 600.- resp. 1’200.-, the following maximum amounts are covered:

  • Breakfast CHF 12.-
  • Lunch CHF 30.-
  • Dinner CHF 35.-
  • Hotel: medium range hotel
  • Tickets for public transportation
  • Vehicle expenses up to the according sum for train tickets. We reimburse travels with private motor vehicles with 70 Rp. per kilometer, tank fillings included. Supervisors must approve these in written form prior to the trip. Please hand in the approval together with the receipts.
  • Conference fees

We do not cover:

  • Cab rides within Switzerland
  • Membership fees

If junior academics need child care or family members to accompany them, they can apply for support at the faculty's committee for equal opportunities.

Travel safe and have a successful trip!