Field work

Field work expenses

I. Purpose

The faculty supports students and Post-docs who work or research in the field during their MA-thesis, dissertation, or research projects (Post-docs).

 II. Guidelines

  1. MA-students are supported two years at most, PhD-students and Post-docs four years at most.
  2. MA-students are supported with CHF 2'200.- at most, PhD-students and Post-Docs with CHF 4'000 at most.
  3. Eligible expenses are fully or partially reimbursed, depending on the available resources. The committee only treats applications with eligible expenses of more than Fr. 150.-
  4. Only realized expenses are reimbursed based on the original documents (e.g. train or plane tickets, hotel receipts, rental agreements).
  5. There is no reimbursement for third-party financed projects (e.g. SNF). The only exception is if there is a necessity for field work which was unforeseeable at project planning and if there is no coverage by third-party funds. In those cases, please add a short note of the project leader.

Please do not ask about the money's whereabout: the funds will reach you at the latest two months after the application deadline.

III. Process

  1. The FuN-committee consists of five members who vote one of them for president, and three members of the mid-level faculty. The members are elected by the faculty.
  2. Application deadline are April 1st and October 1st. If your field work project is already running or starts after this date, you can apply again in the following semester (cost splitting). The application must include:
  • project description (topic, question, methods, and assumptions)
  • a list of eligible expenses
  • the reason for the application (why this place of research, what are the expectations)
  • electronic versions/scans of the original receipts/bills. No receipt = no reimbursement!
  1. The committee meets in April and October. Applicants can be summoned to present their project if one committee member wishes to do so. The commitee's decision are communicated in written form right after the meeting.

IV. Eligible expenses

  1.  Travel expenses
    • Train tickets, 2nd class. The travel costs can be credited to a Generalabonnement (please hand in a list of your trips; they will be refunded based on Halbtax).
    • Vehicle expenses up to the according sum for train tickets. We reimburse travels with private motor vehicles with 70 Rp. per kilometer, tank fillings included. Supervisors must approve these in written form prior to the trip. Please hand in the approval together with the receipts.
    • Plane tickets according to the cheapest available tickets.
  2. Accommodation: actual expenses according to the original receipts up to a maximum of Fr. 80.- per night. Please give reasons for higher expenses. If there is enough budget, the committe can decide to reimburse them as well. If there are no original receipts, the applicants must hand in signed expense lists. Accommodation is only reimbursed for overnight stays and not as a day rate.
  3. Meals: the students must cover all meals by themselves.
  4. Extraordinary expenses: must be justified and will be treated with a lower priority.

V. Remarks

  Stays abroad which are requested by regulations are not supported.