Assistants I, lecturers II, Early Postdocs, Advanced Postdocs, and Oberassistierende can apply for 24 personal points (PP) per year for junior research assistants.


The Collegium Decanale grants 2 personal points for projects that will be carried out by junior research assistants. Projects with matching funds have priority. Projects can e.g. be:

  • Preparations for conferences if the budget is secure
  • Publications of anthologies
  • Preparation of third party fund applications

With 2 PP, a research assistant (Gehaltsklasse 12) can be hired for one month with 40%. It is also possible to divide the points between more persons or change the level of employment (20% for two months, 10% for four months). Each person can apply once per deadline. The Collegium Decanale grants second or third measures only, if there are enough points left for first measures.


There are three application deadlines: April 1st, July 1st, and December 1st (for the upcoming spring semester).

Just write an email to korbinian.seitz@unibe.ch. Please give us a short description of the project and what the research assistant's job will be.