Karl-Jaberg foundation

The Karl-Jaberg foundation supports publications for excellent young academics. The main focus lies on graduates in Romance studies followed by all other linguistics graduates, and all other faculty graduates. This means, everybody who got er/his PhD or venia docendi at the faculty of humanities is eligible. The support must not lead to actual earnings due to sales interests. The support is always less than the supported person's own investment.

I. Who is eligible?

Graduates in Romance studies followed by all other linguistics graduates, and all other faculty graduates who made their PhD or venia docendi at our faculty with the grade summa cum laude, insigni cum laude or magna cum laude.

II. Documents

  • Two samples of the manuscript in print or electronic version
  • Detailed printer's cost estimation or publisher's contract
  • Information about publication funds that were already obtained or are applied for elsewhere
  • Regarding dissertations: both reports
  • Regarding habilitations: PhD diploma, list of publications

III. Schedules & obligations

Application deadlines: March 31st and September 30st. The decision will be made about one month later.

If you are supported by the Karl-Jaberg foundation, you must mention the foundation at the first pages of the book. You must also provide the foundation board with two examples of the book.