Study trips

The faculty supports one study trip and year if led by professors, teachers I and II, Oberassistants and assistants.

The faculty does not support one day trips.

Please register the trip at the Dean's office before April 30th, there is a form at the bottom of this website. ACHTUNG: The registration is only to help us budgeting the Faculty finances. You have the right to get Faculty support for one study trip per year in any case, also if you might have missed the deadline.

To be paid, the invoice must reach the Dean's office 2 months after the study trip at the latest. We cannot pay belated invoices.

You can finance study trips with regular funds and/or third party funds. All expenses must be covered by the student's or the faculty's contribution. If this is not enough, you can cover the costs with regular institute funds as an exception.

The Dean's office transfers the faculty's contribution to your institute via credit manager. Students pay their contribution to a bank account (at institutes with many study trips) or the institutes' third party fund account (via application to the financial department to issue an invoice).

Faculty contributions

The faculty supports students and trip supervisors:

Students must be enrolled at Bern University. The faculty also supports HKB students and students from the BENEFRI network according to the framework agreements.

The faculty supports a maximum of supervisors per trip:

  • 1 for trips with up to 12 students
  • 2 for trips with 13-24 students
  • 3 for trips with more than 24 students

Institutes can finance additional supervisors at their own expense. PDs, associate and assistant professors without regular working credit can apply at the Collegium decanale for contributions for extra supervisors.

If you have expenses before and/or during a study trip, there are two options:

  • University front money, clearing after the study trip
  • Private front money, reimbursement


Contributions for study trips with two or more days, self participation is always 50% (costs must be reported):

  • per student and day maximum CHF 50.- abroad
  • per student and day maximum CHF 30.- inland
  • per student and trip maximum CHF 600.-
  • per supervisor and day maximum CHF 26.-
  • per supervisor and trip a lump sum of CHF 300.- (trips of 2-3 days) or CHF 500.- (trips of 4 and more days)

Please add the following documents:

  • index of all participating student's names
  • index of all supervisor names
  • 1 batch of receipts for the student's expenses
  • all receipts of supervisor's expenses


Institutes with an own bank account can refund the students themselves directly. The financial department refunds students from institutes with no own bank account.


All enrolled students, PhD-students, hearers, and other persons who have the right to enter the Bern University premises are subsidiary covered by the collective Zürich accident insurance. This insurance only covers follow-up costs that are not covered by your own basic insurance. This means all students must have an additional accident insurance as the Bern University insurance does not replace the individual accident insurande.

You can get insurance application forms at the enrollment office.

If you have any questions on this, please contact the Dean's office.