About us

Ein Baum vor der Unitobler

Our Faculty teaches and researchs at the highest international level. We prepare young researchers for an inter- and transdisciplinary scientific community in our research and young talent network at the Walter Benjamin Kolleg. At its research forum, academics exchange opinions and information across traditional disciplinary boundaries. We promote dialogs across disciplines and methods within the Faculty and beyond the confines of the Faculty.

In terms of student numbers, our Faculty is the biggest at the University of Bern. It is known for its plurality at all levels: plurality of disciplines, degree programs, research topics and formats, methods and forms of publication. The University of Bern is a dynamic university offering a full range of courses, and our Faculty is one of its key pillars boasting strong institutes, outstanding individual and collective research, excellent links at both national and international level, and an attractive teaching offer.

Faculty council

The Faculty council consist of all professors, delegations of the mid level faculty, and delegations of the students.