Mid-level faculty

Our mid-level agents represent the scientific and professional interests of assistants with and without PhD, PhD-students, non-professoral teaching staff, postdocs, and assistant lecturers in faculty committees. We want to participate in making our faculty an attractive and innovative space to work and research in.

Mid-level staff at the faculty meetings and the Collegium Decanale

The faculty regulations settle how the mid-level staff is represented. Members of the faculty meetings are all professors, four deputies of the lecturers:

  • PD Dr. Stefan Abel
  • Dr. Irina Dudar
  • Dr. Zoë Lehmann
  • Dr. Christa Schneider

and four deputies of the assistants:

  • Claudius Baisch
  • Sabine Karlen, M.A.
  • Dr. Jeffrey Pheiff
  • vacancy

Members of the Collegium Decanale are:

  • Dr. Christa Schneider, deputy of the lecturers
  • Hanne Griessmann, M.A, deputy of the assistants


Mid-level faculty at standing committees

Quality committee: Annina Irène Wyss (lecturers), Josy Luginbühl (assistants)

FuN committee: Carmen Scheide (lecturers), Jonathan Sarfin (assistants)

Equal opportunities: Juri Auderset (lecturers), Jyothy Karat (assistants)

Structural planning: Monika Amsler (lecturers), Marcella Boglione (assistants)

Walter Benjamin Kolleg, superintendence: Carmen Scheide (lecturers), Eva Kuske (assistants)

PhD evaluation board: Stefan Abel