Crediting achievements

If you have not already applied for crediting of former study achievements during your enrollment, please do so at the study office to Jenny Preiss. Please e-mail us the following information:

  • enrollment confirmation (e-mail from the Admission Office will do)
  • residential address and other contact data
  • enrollment number
  • information regarding former studies (e.g. "I was enrolled from-to at XY University with Major subject X and Minor subject Y)
  • copy of official transcript of records, stamped and signed

The study supervisors can credit up to 20 ECTS in the KSL, if they were achieved at an official University. These 20 ECTS can also be stretched between the Major and Minor subject, but the sum must never exceed 20 ECTS. If you want to credit more than 20 ECTS, you must apply for it at the Dean's office which will kick off the assessment process.

If you are studying at the Bern University and would like to achieve ECTS as part of an exchange studies arrangement (e.g. BeNeFri or ISEP), please read the instructions and follow the application deadlines.

You will need to conclude a Learning Agreement with your institute prior to your stay abroad. It will tell you which courses you can visit and credit. ECTS achieved as part of a learning agreement are checked and credited by the institutes at KSL.

Study supervisors can credit external achievements upon your request - if the Collegium Decanale has not yet credited them during your assessment for studies at Bern University.

Study supervisors can credit up to 20 ECTS in the KSL, if they were achieved at an official University. These 20 ECTS can also be stretched between the Major and Minor subject, but the sum must never exceed 20 ECTS. If you want to credit more than 20 ECTS, you must apply for it at the Dean's office.