Are there any requirements regarding the layout of the MA thesis?
There are no special requirements by the Dean's office. Please ask your supervisor or the institute if they have some.
The cover sheet must contain:
Institute, supervisor, thesis title, your name, enrollment number, Major subject, your residential address, phone number, email address, date you submitted the thesis.
You must submit one hardback volume to the Dean's office and another one to your supervisor. At the Dean's office, you must also submit the form Declaration of the MA thesis (you can also embed it as last page of your thesis).
Can I exmatriculate myself when I have submitted the MA thesis?
Yes, if you have met all other requirements (e.g. submittes course theses, taken written exams).
All credits (not the MA thesis) must only be already added to your KSL profile when you apply for the diploma (see below, "dates").
Do I have to wait to apply for the diploma until the MA thesis was added to my KSL profile?
No, the Dean's office will add the MA thesis to the KSL after the Faculty has accepted your thesis (see below, "dates").
Do I have to be enrolled to get the diploma or attend to the promotion celebration?
Can I get a confirmation that I have an MA degree even before the promotion celebration?
Yes. As soon as you have submitted a complete application for issuing the diploma (see below, "dates"), Mr. Urs Zürcher can issue an official confirmation including all your credits. Before, we can only confirm that we expect the degree to be finished, without records.